Handsewn Viking Clothing from Birka

The second of my 2019 Kingdom Arts and Sciences championship entries was clothing.

In the documentation, I make note of the fact that I am thinking about taking apart some of the overdress. That is currently taken apart and in the pile of things to do when I have the brain to do it. This whole Covid situation as rather sapped my will to work!

I must also thank Lady Dominique de la Mer, without whom my documentation would not be nearly as nicely worded.



As with much of my life, pug stalkers are a think.

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Birka Gaming Pieces

When I planned for Kingdom Arts and Sciences 2019, I decided that I’d keep to a theme. For (something akin to) sanity, I decided on working with items from Birka. The following is my documentation for small glass gaming pieces based on finds from that site.

Looking back over it, I definitely need to work on the flow of my writing, and there are some changes I’d want to make. (I swear, when I talk about it, I sound less like a middle-schooler writing a paper.) The project is one that I’m pleased with, but definitely there’s room for improvement. I’m putting serious thought into getting a period-ish furnace up in my backyard as it cools, and then seeing how different it is there.

Of course, I could also just buy new ceramic sheets and use my hothead…

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