and now for something completely different.

(and it’s not the bread documentation I still need to post from A&S)

The Kingdom of Calontir is hosting a clothing challenge!

Let’s rewind a bit here and explain.

Before everything hit, I planned to make a 14th century outfit for Estrella 2021. I bought the fabric early on in the whole covid-madness, and decided heck, this will be good.

I then, of course, proceeded to spend several months dealing with a bunch of other things, losing the crafting muse, enjoying that body changing that comes with stress, and just going ‘blarg, no, later’. Well, this challenge comes along, and so I’ll be doing it. Because the group motivation of such things helps, and I’ve got a plan that should help somewhat with the

So now, let’s talk about the plan!

Continue reading “and now for something completely different.”

Long Time, No See!



It’s certainly been a chaotic time since I last updated this page, and there’s been quite a bit that’s happened on the art front. (Also personal, but let’s not go there.)

Namely, my utter love of glass has been renewed, and I’ve also been doing more research  into specific regions. Mostly looking at Northern Europe and Hedeby/Haithabu, but I’ve also been looking at Hallstatt. In general, it’s time to start working once more on the art and research and figuring shit out.
